The Department offers six semesters B.Sc. program under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). Odd semesters start from August, while the even semesters from January. Mode of Examination: Courses (Core & DSE) of Physics under B.Sc. Programme carry 150 marks divided into three components: Internal Assessment of 20 marks, Practical (Internal & External) of 50 marks and an External Examination of 80 marks.The internal assessment test is comprised of two parts: Part A: Total weightage to this part shall be 50% of internal assessment marks i.e. 50 % of the total marks or 10 marks out of 20 marks reserved for internal assessment. It will have eight short questions selecting at least three from each of the two/three units (50% of syllabus) covered. A candidate has to attempt any five questions and each question carries 2 marks. Part B: Total weightage to this part shall be 50% of the internal assessment marks i.e. 50 % of the total marks or 10 marks out of 20 marks reserved for internal assessment. It will have 2 Long questions, selecting one each from first two units/ 50% of the syllabus: A Candidate has to attempt any one question and the question shall carry 10 marks. The External examination in theory shall consist of the following: 1. Five (5) short answers to the questions representing all units/syllabi i.e. at least one from each unit (without detail explanation having 70 to 80 words in approximately 6 minutes and having 3 marks for each answer to the question (All Compulsory). 2. Five (5) medium answers to the questions representing all units/ syllabi i.e. at least one from each unit (with explanation having 250-300 words in approximately 12 minutes and having 7 marks for each answer to the question (All Compulsory). 3. Five (5) long answers to the questions (two to be attempted) representing whole of the syllabi with detailed analysis/explanation/critical evaluation/solution to the stated problems within 500 - 600 words in approximately 30 minutes and having 15 marks each answer to the question. Practical Examination: The Practical examination is divided into Internal and external of 25 marks each. In internal practical examination, out of 25 marks, 5 marks are allotted for daily attendance, 10 marks for day-to-day performance and 5 marks for practical test and 5 marks for viva. In external practical examination, out of 25 marks, 20 marks are allotted for practical test and 5 marks for viva
Core courses for B.Sc Semester-I & II | |||
Vector Calculus, Electrostatics and Electromagnetic Waves Click here for Semester-II syllabus
Main courses for B.Sc Semester-III & IV | |||
Waves and Optics Click here for Semester-IV syllabus.
Main courses for B.Sc Semester-V & VI | |||
Quantum Mechanics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics Click here for Semester-V syllabus.
Solid State Physics Quantum Optics and Electronics Click here for Semester-VI syllabus.
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